Body hub
speculative scenario

Body Hub is a system that provides a holistic workspace. Inspired by the harmful side effects of 8 hours sitting habit and the repercussions it leaves on our bodies, the project is providing a joyful bodily alternative. Body hub is a co-sharing hub for anyone in need of an anti-sedentary work routine. 

The system is made in a way that it can provide a set of movements instead of digital tools the one is using in their everyday programs. Once the movements are created a participant begins his education by practising the movements in the beginner's corner. After mastering the moves the body hub is organising dance tutorial lessons where we teach the participants the basic movement sequences and coding them in their muscle flex. Participants take as much group lessons as needed before they feels comfortable moving in the Co-working space where they can become a part of spontaneous working choreography by just owning a computer and membership. Such projects, questioning the reality we have created for our bodies is one way towards nurturing a two-sided relationship with our material self.

︎︎︎Winner of Zagreb Deasign Week 2021 award